Birch at the 2019 NYC Disability Pride Parade
The annual NYC Disability Pride parade is held each year to celebrate disabled people, change the way people think about and define disability, end the stigma of disability, and promote the belief that disability is a natural and beautiful part of human diversity in which people living with disabilities can take pride. This fifth year was no exception. On Sunday, July 14, 2019, the parade featured the creativity of the disability community with floats, costumes, decorated wheelchairs, creative hairstyles, umbrellas, T shirts, etc. are encouraged.
This year, Birch Family Services friends, family, staff, and board members turned out loud and proud in their “Proud to Be Me t-shirts” to march down Broadway and make some noise with with our friends and partners from the community during Sunday’s 2019 Disability Pride Parade. The weather — and the mood — couldn’t have been better! Proud. To. Be. Me.