Virtual Interview Coaching for Real Jobs From Virtu Financial

Whether in-person or through a Zoom window, how you present yourself during an interview is essential for anyone searching for a new job today. It’s simply not enough to have a strong resume. It is the interview that reveals a candidate’s personality and convinces the hiring manager that they are a good fit for the position.
For the seventh year in a row, participants in Birch Family Service’s New Frontier program were invited to a presentation and workshop by our corporate partner, Virtu Financial, to learn the Dos and Don’ts of interviewing for a job. Through role-playing exercises, participants interviewed with key staff from across the company and received valuable feedback and advice related to their performance. While this year’s workshop was a bit different, in that no one was able to be in the same room, there were plenty of opportunities for networking.

Formerly ITG, Virtu Financial is a founding member of Birch’s Corporate Advisory Network (CAN), which is committed to the principles of Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities. CAN serves as an advisory body and strategic partner dedicated to sharing best practices, expertise, and opportunities that will help facilitate employment and internship opportunities for individuals.
“Virtu Financial is a leading technology firm in New York City and committed to inclusive hiring practices, so much so that Virtu hired a former New Frontier participant!” said New Frontier employment manager Ludovica Alcorn. “At this professional development event, program participants were offered a Q & A session, mock interviews, and networking opportunities with Virtu staff. It was very well-received and a great way to re-connect with the corporate world!”
Through New Frontier, Birch Family Services provides adults with autism and developmental disabilities with vocational preparation, job acquisition, and ongoing employer and employee support so they can thrive in both their job search and their chosen careers. Our staff helps participants develop the skills needed to communicate appropriately and understand group social dynamics. Experience shows that people with disabilities and the companies that employ them require a flexible process designed to personalize their relationship in a manner that meets the needs of both parties. New Frontier staff ensures a collaborative partnership among employee and employers so that the needs of both parties are met.

With the cooperation of our corporate partners like Virtu and other members of the Corporate Advisory Network, New Frontier is committed to supporting young adults with intellectual disabilities in overcoming obstacles to employment and independence.